
[These are coined. They may not be entirely accurate or fit some people's liking. Please reach out to me at romeoscereal (Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr) if any terms could be changed!]For this page, when referring to examples, I use my inficts! If you see any names, don't be alarmed!
GeneralInficts | The characters that you have in Infiction. Can also just be called characters. These can be fictional characters from a book, a TV show, a movie or an OC! Anything to help you cope.Infiction Circles / INCs | The group of inficts that you have built up. INCs can be as small or as big as needed. For example, mine is currently 20 strong! They can also given things for identification - I use an ice cube!Going InfictInfict / Mid Infict / Midfict | Moving from self to being infiction, or vice versa. This can also be known as 'going infict'. This is the basic action - putting the memories and personality on just enough to help your situation.Hard Infict / Hardfict | Moving from self to being infiction and taking on the entirety of a fictional character's personality. By taking on more of the character's identity as a whole, hardfict can be used to deal with harder tasks.Soft Infict / Softfict | Moving from self to being infiction but not too drastically as Midfict or Hardfict. This is just a simple shift, where you might not take on the entire identity - just a quick pick up!Half Infict / Halffict | Being infict while also maintaining some reality. Usually, you mix up your identity and memories with the infict you are. For example, I am very frequently in halffict or polyfict with Subspace - I mash our names to be referred to as Zetospace, though this is optional!Poly Infict / Polyfict | When there are two or more inficts active at once. Can also include yourself! I go polyfict quite a lot to deal with lots of things at the same time. I also mush names together for this (For example the freak of nature that was ZetoBanScytheSpace... shudders.)Masking / Maskfict | Hiding being infiction to avoid people becoming aware. Usually done while in Softfict or Halffict.Switching | !! Warning, I dunno if this is a thing others might experience! I've just experienced it myself so..yeah !! Switching is where, in a time of need, an infict will 'switch out' with another one. This could be a conscious decision, but has happened to me subconsciously. Banhammer, a control infict, switched to a much more aggressive character - Dex, an anger infict.All of these terms can be mixed together! For example, I could be in polyfict as myself, Subspace and Scythe. On another day, though, I could be hard-maskfict as Subspace, and another, I could be soft-halffict as Scythe!-OriginsOrigin | The piece of media in which a character originates from. For example, Subspace and Scythe are both from the PHIGHTING! game.Regarding origin, some might not to be happy to discuss it when infict. It might force more memories onto them, push them further into infict or overwhelm them. Please check to make sure you can discuss the origin!